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Master the Art of Grilling Vegetables in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Master the Art of Grilling Vegetables in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Summer is the perfect season to fire up the grill, and while meats are a barbecue staple, let's not overlook the delicious possibilities that grilling offers for vegetables. Grilling vegetables enhances their natural sweetness and adds a delightful smoky flavour that you can't get from any other cooking method. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or just starting out, these tips and techniques will help you master the art of grilling vegetables in your outdoor kitchen, making your summer meals both vibrant and tasty.

Choose the Right Vegetables

Not all vegetables are created equal when it comes to grilling. Some veggies hold up better to high heat and the direct flame of a grill. Great candidates for grilling include:

  • Zucchini and summer squash: Their moisture content and firm texture make them perfect for grilling.
  • Capsicum (Red, Green or Yellow): They sweeten beautifully on the grill, obtaining a fantastic char.
  • Corn: Grilling corn in the husk allows it to steam in its own moisture, intensifying the sweetness. Or get a great char grilled on the corn cob.
  • Asparagus: The tips get wonderfully crispy while the stalks remain tender.
  • Onions: Whether red or sweet, onions develop a rich, caramelised flavour.
  • Eggplant: Its spongy texture absorbs smoke and marinades, becoming deliciously meaty when grilled.
  • Tomato: Opt for firmer varieties like cherry or grape tomatoes, which can be grilled whole and get a lovely burst of flavour.

Prep Them Properly

To ensure your vegetables grill evenly and get those coveted grill marks, follow these preparation tips:

  • Slice evenly: Cut your vegetables into uniform pieces to ensure they cook at the same rate.
  • Oil them up: Lightly coat your veggies in oil to prevent sticking and to help the seasoning adhere. Olive oil is a popular choice but consider avocado oil for its higher smoke point.
  • Season well: Basic salt and pepper go a long way, but don't shy away from experimenting with garlic powder, smoked paprika, or even a sprinkle of parmesan.

Master the Technique

Grilling vegetables is more art than science, but these techniques will help you get it just right:

  • Preheat the grill: Ensure your grill is hot before you start; a temperature of around 205°C works well for most vegetables.
  • Use the right tools: A grill basket can be handy for smaller veggies like cherry tomatoes or diced pieces that might fall through the grates.
  • Timing is everything: Different vegetables require different cooking times. Dense veggies like potatoes will take longer than something high in water content like tomatoes or capsicum.
  • Turn carefully: Use tongs to gently turn your vegetables to get an even char on all sides.

Flavour Enhancements

To elevate your grilled vegetables, consider these additional flavour boosts:

  • Marinades: Before grilling, marinate your vegetables in a mix of oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices. Just 30 minutes in a marinade can make a significant difference.
  • Herbs and spices: Fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or basil can be sprinkled over your veggies either before or after grilling for a fresh burst of flavour.
  • Finishing touches: After grilling, squeeze a little lemon over your vegetables or drizzle with a balsamic glaze for a nice pop of flavour.

Serving Suggestions

Grilled vegetables are incredibly versatile. Serve them as a side dish, toss them into a pasta salad, or make them the star of the show in a grilled vegetable platter complemented by a creamy dip like hummus or tzatziki.

Grilling vegetables can transform your barbecue into a colourful, healthful feast. With a little practice and a lot of creativity, you can impress your guests and satisfy your palate with the rich flavours of summer's bounty. So next time you fire up the Outdoor Kitchen, make sure there's plenty of room for veggies on the grill!